Crack the eggs into a small bowl. Whisk the eggs with a fork until fully combined and there are no obvious streaks of unmixed whites or yolks. Add a healthy pinch of salt and pepper and the optional garlic powder. Mix to combine, then set aside.
2 large eggs, salt and pepper, ⅛ tsp garlic powder
Heat a non-stick or cast-iron skillet over medium-low heat. Once heated, add the oil and swirl to coat.
1 tsp avocado oil
Add the quartered tomatoes to the heated pan and cook for about 1–2 minutes, until they start to soften. Then, add the spinach and stir until wilted, about 1 minute.
4 cherry tomatoes, quartered, 1 handful spinach
Bring the heat down to low, then add the whisked eggs to the pan. Let them sit for a few seconds, then gently stir with a spatula, pushing the eggs from the edges toward the center
Continue stirring occasionally until the eggs are fully cooked but still soft and fluffy. This should take about 2–3 minutes.
With the spatula, gently transfer the scrambled eggs to a plate. Serve hot with a side of toast or avocado. Enjoy!